Work, work, work, work, work
Here’s my truth regarding hard work. At the very core of who I am, why I am, what I want to achieve, and how I want to achieve it — basically becoming my best self, achieving my goals and fulfilling my dreams, which is everything #SeizeYourPassion! is about- I believe in hard work. I believe you have to work for what you believe in, and for what you want.
I believe that anything worth anything takes work. Whether it’s our relationships in life, our own individual personal growth, our business, being a parent, our yoga practice, our golf game, or a creative project — the simple truth is that you have to put in the work to get the results you desire. Work is the foundation of our goals and dreams, and it’s the foundation of our society.
But, there is an inherent danger in getting so entrenched in the work, work, work, work, work that you end up not doing your best work, not attaining the results you desire, not fulfilling your dreams and not becoming your best self. You end up self-destructing and self-defeating the very reason you started putting in all the hard work to begin with.
I was reminded of this simple yet powerful truth last week, fortuitously just in time for Labor Day weekend. That in turn reminded me to think about and recognize what Labor Day was actually all about — other than an excuse to have one last barbecue of the summer season, hang out with friends and family and take a day off. So I looked it up and learned that the first Labor Day was celebrated in 1882 in New York City to recognize, honor and celebrate all the contributions American workers made to making America the best America it can be. And then I realized that it’s no different for us an individuals.
Applying that realization to myself, I was reminded that sometimes I must remember to step away from the work, work, work, work, work and celebrate and honor it too. I must remember to recognize my wins and acknowledge all the hard work that I do put into everything I do in order to become the best parent I can be, the best partner I can be, the best friend I can be, and the best business woman I can be. Because if I don’t do that; if I don’t take the time to stop the work, work, work, work, work once in a while — however often and regularly I need to — to recognize and honor and celebrate it, then all that work, work, work, work, work is actually for naught because it will not be my best work.
Just like the simple and powerful truth that you can’t contribute to others unless you first contribute to yourself, so too here — you can’t do your best work and become your best self unless you also take the time to recognize and celebrate your hard work too.
P.S. I write these blogs based on my weekly live stream video chats. You can watch my live stream video on this topic here