Time Is On My Side
My husband and I were out to dinner last Saturday night with some close friends of ours, and we got into this conversation about how stressed and overwhelmed we all were; how we’re all constantly just running and going and doing; and how there’s never enough time in the day, and in the week, to accomplish everything we want to accomplish, and achieve all our goals. And I expressed that I was feeling particularly frustrated by the fact that I wasn’t there yet; that I wasn’t accomplishing everything I wanted to accomplish and achieve at the pace and and the rate that I wanted to.
And then my friend reminded me of something so simple and yet so powerful (often in life the most powerful and insightful lessons and ideas are the most simple ones). She reminded me that anything worth anything, anything that has any real value, substance, meaning, depth and longevity to it — TAKES TIME! She reminded me that there are no real overnight success stories or quick fixes. Even the perceived “overnight success” stories we hear about are ten years in the making, or four years in the making, or whatever it is. We don’t hear about that part of the story because frankly it’s just not exciting or sexy. But, it’s where the real lesson is and where the real value is created.
She reminded me that in order to achieve anything of true value, in order to create or build something that will last, and stand the test of time — it TAKES TIME! Plain and simple.
She reminded me to remember that time is on my side; it’s not the enemy. And by doing so, I will alleviate myself of so much stress and anxiety and discouragement because it will allow me the luxury of not worrying about when it’s going to get done or why it’s not happening as fast as I decided it should. It will allow me to actually focus on continuing to consistently over time build towards that goal and actually create something of value for the long haul. And, it will decrease my likelihood of crashing and burning.
Take the simple example of loosing weight. If you loose 50 pounds in 3 weeks, I guarantee you 9.999% of the time (and I’m being generous) you will gain that weight back and then some. But, if you consistently and slowly take the time to change your lifestyle, your habits and make healthy living a part of your everyday life — you will loose that weight at a slower pace, for sure. But, it will stay off and it will last.
I realized after this dinner conversation that I needed to remember this; I needed to implement this, and use it as my take-away lesson of the week. I need to remember that time is on my side. Yes it is.