No Regrets!
If you had to pick one mantra, one motto or maxim to live your life by — what would it be?
Here are a few answers I’ve gotten from people I posed this question to:
– Life is what you make of it
– Be grateful
– If it costs you your peace of mind, it’s too expensive
– hahahahahaha…:-)
– Be the change!!
– Don’t dream your life, live your dreams
– Be yourself!
And mine, No Regrets! (#SeizeYourPassion!)
Did you know that the number one most common regret of the dying is basically not having seized their passion?! It’s not having lived a life true to themselves and not having fulfilled their own dreams!
Life is short. And it’s not a dress rehearsal. You will not get today back, ever. And tomorrow is not guaranteed.
But, you get to decide what your mantra is, and you get to live it today, and everyday!
You have the freedom and the power to live your life to the fullest, on your terms, and to be the change you wish to see! Be grateful for that freedom, make your life what you want it to be, and live without regret.
Live your dreams so they don’t die before you do — whatever those dreams may be, however big or small — because they’re your dreams and no one else’s.
This is YOUR LIFE we’re talking about! How do you want to live it?!
Seize Your Passion!
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