Isn’t Life Funny

Rachel Ellner
4 min readMay 5, 2020


Isn’t life funny?

Just as we get comfortable with things, things change.

And, just as we get uncomfortable with things, we change things.

Life can, and most certainly does, change when we least expect it. And then, when we least expect it, we can change our life.

Change and uncertainty are scary. Sometimes so much so that we feel we’re losing control, and therefore our very agency, freedom, and sovereignty over our own life and the direction in which it’s heading.

That is not comfortable. In fact, it’s deeply, deeply uncomfortable, and if you’re anything like me — deeply scary.

BUT, it’s also true that:

“As you become comfortable with uncertainty, infinite possibilities open up in your life. It means fear is no longer a dominant factor in what you do and no longer prevents you from taking action to initiate change.” - Eckhart Tolle

Because life is full of Infinite possibilities.

YOU are full of infinite possibilities.

And sometimes, it’s actually the most uncomfortable and challenging of situations, like the one we are all experiencing right now during these times, that are also the most full of infinite possibilities!!!!

Understanding that, seeing that, and believing that means we have to become not only comfortable with change and uncertainty, but also learn how to make peace with it and embrace it, so that we can create the real, positive changes, and even profound transformations, that we want, out of those infinite possibilities that the uncertainty and change hold in the first place.

It’s not about ignoring, dismissing, or denying the uncertainties, the changes, and all the challenges and negative stuff that comes along with it.

Rather, it’s about facing it, understanding it, doing what is necessary to combat it, and at the same time accepting it, forgiving it, and embracing it so that we can start to see in it and through it, all the infinite possibilities it also holds.

I believe one of the most crucial of those infinite possibilities that this difficult, uncertain, and uncomfortable situation we’re all in right now (crucial for our own well being and for getting through this and coming out of it better, stronger, and profoundly positively transformed), is using this time to reconnect and connect more deeply.

Using this time to reconnect and connect more deeply with ourselves. To connect with our core values, and what matters most to us. To connect with the people we love. And yes, to connect with our dreams and our passions.

The power of positive connection is a foundational and vital piece to the wellbeing, health, and success of our souls, our relationships, our businesses, our humanity, and our overall thriving, not just surviving, in life!!!

It’s crucial for our own self-love, self-worth, and self- belief. And it’s crucial for realizing our greatest dreams and our own greatest potentials!!!

There’s true power in positive connection! Because, after all, we are all connected, and everything too is connected. That’s a law of the universe.

So let’s reconnect to infinite possibilities. Let’s reconnect to ourselves, to each other, and to what we love, and to love itself.

That’s how we build unshakable resilience, love, self-belief, and hope. That’s how we overcome even the most challenging of times.

There are infinite possibilities of how we can connect now, during these times:

Facetime more with those you love (I just got off a two-hour facetime with my sister that helped lift my spirits so much!).

Read more (I’m finally finishing a book I love that I’ve been wanting to find the time to read more of).

Play a board game, color, paint, or do a puzzle with your kids (I’ve always loved playing, and am now doing so much more of it with my kids!).

Watch a movie you love (OK, this one I always do, because of my immense love of movies and what a big part of my life movies have always been, but I’m doing even more of it now!).

You get the idea…


“We grow the most, learn the most, and become our most powerful and resilient selves from adversities…If we choose.”

That’s from my chapter in the book I co-wrote, Crash and Learn. If you haven’t already, I invite you to check it out — it’s full of life and business lessons about overcoming difficult and uncertain times. Enjoy! :-)

As always, and now more than ever:

Do more of what you LOVE!
Be more of who you LOVE!
Seize Your Passion!

Stay safe, healthy, and positive!!!



Rachel Ellner
Rachel Ellner

Written by Rachel Ellner

Creator of Seyopa - Seize Your Passion! Do more of what you love, be more of who you love, realize your dreams, become your best self!

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