Do More of What You Love. Be More of Who You Love
“Do more of what you love. Be more of who you love.”
I say that all the time. It’s my mantra and the foundation of everything I believe in.
I’m saying it again now, louder and stronger than ever!
Because the most important and truly determinative times for not only believing in the principles that guide and define us, but actually practicing them too, are precisely when it’s the most difficult to do so.
When we are faced with challenges, hard times, and when it feels like all the odds are stacked against us, these are the times when tapping into and living out of our core values, beliefs, and essence — who we really are and what really matters most to us, pushing away the nonsense and the noise that regularly consumes us (especially when times are good) — it’s precisely during these difficult times when reconnecting to your core self, and to what and whom you love, in whatever way feels good to you, truly matters and makes the most positive difference.
And not just a positive difference in your own life, but through its ripple effects, it makes the most positive difference in the lives of those around you too.
Now, more than ever, do more of what you love and be more of who you love! For yourself, and for all those around you. It matters!
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“Spending all this time away from others can help us reconnect with ourselves and what truly brings us meaning. Nobody is denying that social distancing — or more accurately, physical distancing — is difficult… [But] for many — even if we’re working from home and/or taking care of children — staying in and slowing down presents a new opportunity to spend more time looking inwards and giving thought to what truly matters to us.
While it’s key to continue deepening bonds with family and friends (even coming up with new ways to do so online), it’s also key to use this moment to deepen our connection with ourselves, which could lead to new realizations and epiphanies that can change our lives for the better, now and well into the future.”
- From “How to Tap Into the Upside of Social Distancing”
By Elaine Lipworth, Content Writer at Thrive Global
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“Don’t die with your music still in you. Don’t die with your purpose unfulfilled. Don’t die feeling as if your life has been wrong. Don’t let that happen to you.”
- Dr. Wayne Dyer
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“To truly live while you’re alive begins at the smallest level and expands far-reaching, like a pebble dropped into a pond so that its ripples are felt by those around you… We learn to embrace a better version of ourselves by connecting with the deeper wisdom within — the wiser self. This begs the question: what really matters to you? By exploring your answer sure enough lies the essence to your existence.
Pursue what makes you come alive — your passions, intersts and joy. Follow them and fall in love with them. Savour them and let your spirit come alive through them. Find your flow within them. Explore your talents, gifts and genius…
You were born to prevail, to let your light shine.”
- From “How To Spend More Time Doing What You Love”
By Tony Fahkry on Medium
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“The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.”
- Morrie Schwartz
Give out love, and let love in.
Now, more than ever:
Do more of what you LOVE!
Be more of who you LOVE!
Seize Your Passion!
Stay safe, healthy, strong, and positive!